Antibody Titer Testing

What is an Antibody Titer Test or what my friends call VacciCheck

Vaccicheck is a simple and affordable single blood test designed to monitor animals’ immunity status as a result of vaccination, in order to confirm protection and avoid unnecessary vaccination in immunized pets. It will assess a pet’s immune status for core feline and canine diseases.

It measures antibody levels against canine core vaccines components (Parvovirus, Distemper and Infections Hepatitis) and against feline core vaccines components (panleukopenia, Herpes virus and Calicivurs) in order to assess the pet’s immunization following vaccination.

Titer testing has become globally accepted and practised gold standard in the veterinary world.

What is the purpose of titer testing

It is to determine protective immunity levels in puppies/ kittens to then determine revaccination intervals in adult dogs/ cats and to manage infections diseases outbreaks.

It is extremely important to vaccinate dogs/ cats in order to allow them to build immunity and fight diseases.

However, due to a great variability in their ability to build their protection and a great variability in the duration of immunity in each dog/ cat titer testing is the only practical tool to help veterinarians make a smart evidence-based decision whether revaccination is needed or not and prevent possible vaccination side effects.

What are the indications for titer testing

    • Confirm puppy/kitten immunity following completion of an initial core vaccination course.
    • Manage disease outbreaks in environments by enabling proper immunization.
    • Establish the protection status of newly adopted adult dogs/cats with unknown core vaccination history.
    • Assess adult dog/cat core disease immunity, enabling appropriate booster scheduling

How is VacciCheck performed

Our nurses will collect a very small amount of blood from your pet (usually either a neck or leg vein) and the test itself is performed overnight.

The following day you will receive the test results by email or whichever method you prefer.

The test certificate will indicate your next actions as recommended by our veterinarians.

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